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Jelle Ermerins
25 nov 20242 minuten om te lezen
The best resources to get your CISSP
It's all about practicing questions Earning your CISSP is challenging—it demands lots of studying, practicing questions, and the right...
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Coen Goedegebure
12 feb 202412 minuten om te lezen
Surviving a cyber security job interview (Cryptography)
This article answers 14 typical questions about cryptography you may get during a job interview for a security position
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Niels van Nieuwenburg
8 aug 20227 minuten om te lezen
5 ways to improve your cyber security now - Software Developer edition
You probably hear it a lot: you should make your code secure! But…​ how? When it comes to security, there are a plethora of measures you...
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Coen Goedegebure
11 nov 20214 minuten om te lezen
Trojans in your source code
Be aware of the dangers of hidden Unicode control characters and how they can make your source code appear differently than it is executed
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Coen Goedegebure
9 nov 20213 minuten om te lezen
Why your company will be hacked
This article highlights a short list of common reasons why companies get hacked and why data breaches occur.
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Coen Goedegebure
1 nov 20213 minuten om te lezen
5 Phases of hacking
The process of a typical attack scenario can be broken down into five distinct phases. This article describes the details of each phase.
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