It's all about practicing questions

Earning your CISSP is challenging—it demands lots of studying, practicing questions, and the right mindset. The exam is tough, but with good resources and thorough preparation, success is within reach. Let’s explore the top resources that can help you achieve this certification!
The Official Book
You’ve probably already heard about this one, but it’s a must-read—especially if you prefer learning through books. Be sure to get the latest edition (currently the 10th) for the most up-to-date content. Whether you’re reading in the sun, before bed, or even during a relaxing bath, this book is a solid companion for your CISSP journey.
The eight hour long YouTube video
If you’re a visual learner, check out the eight-hour video by Pete Zerger from Inside Cloud and Security. This comprehensive video highlights what’s essential for the exam and what’s less important, helping you focus on what matters most and study more efficiently. Also take a look at some of the other videos that go more into detail on certain topics.
Practice Questions
In addition to consuming all this content, practicing questions is essential—arguably the most crucial part of your CISSP preparation. I recommend these three resources:
Together, these resources provide more than enough questions to help you prepare. Keep grinding through questions, study the explanations, learn from your mistakes, and revisit areas where you struggle most. With consistent practice, you’ll be ready for the exam.
Another Book (?!)
There is one more book that I found really useful to make some concepts ‘click’. That is the book How To Think Like A Manager for the CISSP Exam by Luke Ahmed. This book offers a single practice exam, but what sets it apart is the way each chapter dives deeply into one question, breaking down the reasoning behind the answer. I highly recommend it if you’re feeling stuck or not seeing improvement in your studying.
That’s it. These are the resources I used (I used all of them), and I believe that you will ace your exam when using these resources. Now relax, schedule your exam, get into the right mindset, and get that CISSP!
All the resources mentioned in this article:
* I’m not affiliated with any of the resources I mentioned in this article.
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